

2020 Trucks with wood waste

Reflecting on MirrorCam one year on.

一年前,当Katie Blowes通过MirrorCam接触到Arocs时,她并不确定. Investing in a truck with no mirrors seemed a huge gamble. However, 在梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车英国体验中心试用后, she was sold on the innovative technology. 一年过去了,她的公司九五至尊老品牌i能源有限公司(LondonEnergy Ltd)已经拥有了一支不断壮大的车队,共有9架Arocs型号,所有型号都配有MirrorCam. 这项技术不仅为司机提供了安全方面的改进, 而是通过提供更好的工作条件来帮助公司吸引和留住人才.

特别是有一位司机,他最初拒绝驾驶带有MirrorCam的Arocs,因为他担心驾驶起来可能更具挑战性. However, 在听到其他车手的积极评价后,他尝试了一下,现在他是MirrorCam的最大支持者之一——他绝对喜欢它! It’s given him a wake-up call that the industry is changing, and our drivers are right at the forefront of modern technology.

A pioneering technology

九五至尊老品牌i能源有限公司于2020年7月首次购买了5台带有MirrorCam的2020散装板Arocs装置. As a pioneering technology, the move from wing mirrors to MirrorCam was viewed as bold, 但凯蒂决心把最新的技术带给她的车队.

该公司通过从垃圾中生产能源,高效、负责任地将家庭垃圾和回收物从垃圾填埋场转移出去. 它的旗舰基地位于埃德蒙顿生态公园,占地40英亩,包括一个废物转化为能源的项目, Waste Transfer Centre, and a Bulk Recycling Centre. Due to its location, 司机们发现自己经常不得不在英国首都繁忙而狭窄的街道上穿行, which is where the Arocs’ small, 流线型的相机臂内置于左侧和右侧的屋顶框架确实提供了明显的好处.

“MirrorCam扩大了司机的视野,减轻了他们的压力. Our drivers all travel through north London, so they are always looking out for pedestrians, cyclists and other hazards. MirrorCam improves their vision, 而且它还让他们确信,他们受到了保护,免受传统后视镜可能忽略的潜在撞击和擦伤. Small things like this show that as a company, we really do care about our drivers and their mental health, as well as everyone else on the road.

九五至尊5老品牌一直担心的是,如果九五至尊5老品牌破坏了MirrorCam或技术故障会发生什么,但九五至尊5老品牌从来没有遇到过问题, which is really good because MirrorCam is new technology to us, to Mercedes-Benz and to the industry. No-one else is doing it. 这表明梅赛德斯在这方面确实做了研究和功课. MirrorCam正在创造一种思维转变,即未来的卡车驾驶是令人兴奋的,充满了技术.”

Attracting talent

这种心态的转变正在帮助九五至尊老品牌i能源公司在争夺新的卡车驾驶人才的艰难竞争中竞争,. 该公司的许多司机多年来一直忠于这项业务,并完全接受其安全第一的理念. 对于一个以废物管理和可持续经营为核心的企业来说, 至关重要的是,九五至尊老品牌i能源公司向其团队成员颂扬这些价值观,而Arocs也在这里发挥着作用.

“It’s not just MirrorCam. 在Arocs上的主动驾驶辅助也很出色-卡车几乎可以自己驾驶. 九五至尊5老品牌的一名车手实际上从蒂尔伯里(到埃德蒙顿)一路回来,没有踩加速或刹车——它自己完成了一切! Obviously, he was paying attention and retained control of the vehicle, but this just shows how impressive the technology is.”

这种技术也在帮助九五至尊老品牌i能源公司吸引新的司机. 作为其扩展业务的一部分,该公司每天24小时运营4台Arocs机组, through multiple shifts. 这意味着对新司机的需求很高,但Arocs正在赢得人们的支持.

九五至尊5老品牌给员工的待遇与公司无关, it’s not about me as a transport manager, it’s not about what we do that attracts drivers – it’s the truck. 如果九五至尊5老品牌能以安全第一的理念进入市场,并以现代技术舰队的Arocs单位作为后盾, this gives us a huge advantage.

“谈到创新,梅赛德斯-奔驰是市场上的领跑者. 即使Arocs的现代显示系统具有出色的触觉和识别五种行车记录仪,驾驶员也可以毫不费力地在卡车之间切换班次.”

An electric future

As a business focused on sustainability, 九五至尊老品牌i能源公司的下一步是向电动汽车迈进. 该公司在2021年5月又订购了4台2021版的Arocs散货船, 这是组织内部对以前车辆的积极接受. MirrorCam看起来将成为公司的中流砥柱,即使公司的车队正在转型.

凯蒂补充道:“一旦你转向相机,九五至尊5老品牌肯定会考虑进一步投资MirrorCam, it would be hard to go back.

“The future for us is electric. Due to the nature of our business, 九五至尊5老品牌希望成为可持续发展的先驱,电动卡车将是未来的发展方向. I have no doubt that Mercedes-Benz will have a strong offer here. They are a big player and well respected in the HGV market. 体验他们的创新,并将他们卡车的优势传递给九五至尊5老品牌的司机,总是令人兴奋的.”

Article originally published on RoadStars here.